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A Night In The ASYLUM

Oct 30, 2020

In Dr. John Vespucci's new brief "Police Use of Force - The Impact of a College Degree" he describes what he believes is one answer: College Degrees.

Jen and Darren interview John LIVE at Channel 8 on Tuesday October 20th 7:30-8:30pm. Call in at 844-TALK-DNR to ask your questions or discuss your...

Oct 16, 2020

Jen shares with us what her New Hairless Pussy is like... but on a more serious note, Darren and Jen advise on Where/How To Register To Vote, Trump getting COVID then leaving the hospital for a parade, then leaving early, then pretending it's OK to not worry about it and to spread it everyone in the west wing and...

Oct 9, 2020

Jen talks about Harry, her Hairless Pussy. Darren and Jen also banter about the 50 some page report from the New York Times about Trumps tax records from the past couple decades - along with an easier to digest highlight article By David Leonhardt from In...

Oct 2, 2020

Darren explains basic parliamentary procedures regarding how organizations may govern meetings and decision making, such as following Roberts Rules of Order. He speaks about how the Chairperson or President of the organization may wield a lot of power, depending on the organization's bylaws and what is allowed. Darren...